Monday, April 21, 2008

Ladies Night

On April 10th ,Thursday, I had dinner with 3 other Japanese lady friends in the office. They are Omori san, Matsumura san and Nanako san with me 'Li Mei-san'. After a busy preparation for Executive meeting on Wednesday, I got to enjoy a nice dinner with friends. Life in Japan is getting more interesting by knowing more friends.
This dinner was long planned before but it was postphoned till our schedule can fit in. I was asked about my favourite food, I told my friends I like Japanese food, or anything western or Chinese , except I don't eat Indian food. I don't take spicy food so not so into Indian curry. I only eat roti canai with sugar once in a while in Penang.
My new friend proposed that we go for this Japanese buffet. It serves all daily Japanese food. The restaurant name is 'Potato and White carrot'. They thought I will get to try all types of Japanese cuisines but I am afraid might be a bit boring for them as the food is their usual meals. It was raining after work and we walked a long way to reach that restaurant. It is inside a new shopping mall. The restaurant restrict people from taking photos. Therefore no food pictures :P
We had fun time eating and chatting ! It's our ladies night !

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