Thursday, December 18, 2008


I suddenly have this thought in my mind. Have you ever wonder if image is important in giving an impression ?

We have a new gym instructor came for 2 weeks, sometimes the gym rotates the instructors across countries. A friend in the gym told me next 2 weeks classes will be boring. She got this impression because she told me the instructor does not look fit. Most of the time, most of the instructors have very well toned and fit body, especially the brazillian instructors (lady and man instructors). Somehow I agree, a gym instructor need to have well toned body , an image to convince people joining their class. But I don't care, I still go to the class. I like my combat class so I never choose which instructor class to attend.

Likewise, a hair stylist need to have a nice hair style and present a stylish and creative looks then people have confident in them . Talk about hair style , this reminded me of a IT consultant I met in Japan. One day, my boss asked me to meet a IT consultant from another firm to discuss issue for our customer. The consultant has very interesting hair style, the style is a messy hairstyle, very " IN". Since I also couldn't understand much of the Japanese conversation, what caught my attention most is his hair style . kekeke.. in fact my boss felt the same. I remembered he told , for his position, he can only have decent hair cut because image need to match position and also giving professional impression to customer.

Most of my friends working in sales positions also dress very professionally, more formal because they are meeting customer most of the times. Typically, I also wear in a suits for important meetings and dress more nicely in weekly customer meeting. Now that I am on holidays, very casual everyday. hahaha I will be bored soon ! I like to dress nice nice everyday to work !


Purple~MushRooM said...

Wanna wear nice nice also need some motivation. If everyone in office wears nice and have nice hari style, you will also tend to do the same.

But imagine, if we go to work everyday in an Inventec like environment, u think U still have mood to dress nice nice or not?

Li Mei 's first blog said...


I agree, we tend to follow or match the surrounding.

However, I think I will still wear nice nice to work even is Inventec. I remembered I did that as well at that point of time. ( or at that point of time I considered nice liow ! :P). But motivation is there, as a shopaholic, I think if I don't wear nice nice then lost the meaning of shopping !

Purple~MushRooM said...

Hahaha! As for shopping.. I will choose comfort to nice. hahaha.

Li Mei 's first blog said...

hahhaha but we work 5 days per week, 70% of our time in office, hehehe so I want to ensure I am happy shopping and happy utilising shopping items ! :P